Artweaver - 取代Photoshop的專業級免費繪圖軟體,有「圖層」及透明化功能,支援AWD(Artweaver)、BMP、GIF、JPEG、PCX、TGA、TIFF、PNG、PSD圖檔。(阿榮)(下載)
[2009.06.27] 中文輸入有點難度,需要先用英文輸入法輸入一個數字,再按〔應用〕按鈕,再按按鈕左邊的長方形小圖示(文字工具),最後,才可以在「文字工具」視窗輸入中文。
[2015.02.22] 感謝「不倒翁」提供免安裝可攜版作品(v5.0.4)。Artweaver is a full-featured painting tool with a huge set of predefined realistic brushes to paint creatively or just experiment. Artweaver is suitable for beginners and advanced users.
* Support of many different digital brushes e.g. chalk, charcoal, pencils...
* A wide variety of adjustment settings to customize the default brushes or to create new brushes.
* Standard image editing tools like gradient, crop, fill and selection tools.
* Support for the most common file formats like AWD (Artweaver), BMP, GIF, JPEG, PCX, TGA, TIFF, PNG, and PSD.
* Transparency and Layers support.
* Effect filters like sharpen, blur, emboss and mosaic.
* Editable text layers.
* Pen Tablet support for a realistic feeling.
* History function to und/redo last editing steps.
* Expandable by Plug-In modules (Artweaver Standard).
* Support for many languages through language files.關鍵字:portable artweaver,artweaver portable,artweaver free下載連結→ [按此下載免安裝中文版]
免安裝中文版 [6.0.7] [更多舊版]
中文安裝版 [6.0.7] [更多舊版]
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