偷看附近無線網路基地台的連線資訊 - WifiChannelMonitor,使用前必須先安裝「Microsoft Network Monitor」,執行後會掃描你所在位置附近的無線基地台資訊、使用的頻道(Channel),「SSID」欄位前的燈號若顯示為綠燈,則表示該設備未加密,可以點選它看有哪些設備連上它(包含MAC位址),甚至於沒有連上任何基地台的無線設備都可以被列出來!但必須注意的是,如果你正在使用的也是無線網路,軟體開啟後會導致無線網路中斷,使用後必須重新啟用無線網卡,才能讓網路恢復正常運作。(阿榮)(下載)
官方網站:Nir Sofer
系統需求:Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/2012(32及64位元)
WifiChannelMonitor is a utility for Windows that captures wifi traffic on the channel you choose, using Microsoft Network Monitor capture driver in monitor mode, and displays extensive information about access points and the wifi clients connected to them. WifiChannelMonitor also allows you to view the information about wifi clients that are not connected to any access points, including the list of SSIDs (network names) that they are trying to connect.
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