防止惡意軟體入侵電腦 - Emsisoft Anti-Malware,即時防護你的電腦免於受病毒、木馬、Bots、Rootkit、蠕蟲、間諜軟體、惡意軟體的侵害,採用獨特的雙引擎掃描技術,不僅能夠掃描已存在的惡意軟體及網頁綁架,更能夠即時阻勒索軟體、木馬程式、後門程式,清除瀏覽器首頁綁架、工具列...等等。(阿榮)(下載)(購買)
系統需求:Windows 10/8.1/8/7(32及64位元)
關鍵字:Emsisoft AntiMalware, Emsisoft Anti-Malware for Server
Emsisoft Anti-Malware - No-bloat dual-scanner protection for your Windows PC. Forget viruses – Today's malware comes in all shapes and sizes.
*Ransomware - Threat of the year since 2012. Attackers enter your PC through unpatched software and encrypt all your files. Can you afford to pay a $600 ransom to get your data back?
*Banking Trojans - Hackers use phishing techniques and keyloggers to get your most valuable passwords and empty your bank- or PayPal-accounts invisibly within seconds.
*Bots/Backdoors - They turn your PC into a remote controlled zombie. Your computing power is collectively sold on the black market to send spams, attack others or store illegal content.
*PUPs - Potentially Unwanted Programs that mess up your computer with useless browser toolbars, tons of commercials and other bulk that slows down the PC.
[2017.05.15] WannaCry系列勒索病毒大爆發,阿榮實測WanaCrypt0r 2.0勒索病毒樣本,成功利用此軟體攔截並隔離!
阿榮實測WanaCrypt0r 2.0勒索病毒樣本,病毒解壓縮後不久,就被「Emsisoft Anti-Malware」偵測到並且隔離了!請看影片說故事:
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from 阿榮福利味 - 免費軟體下載 http://ift.tt/2ouG6xQ