免安裝的重新分割硬碟軟體 - Macrorit Partition Expert,電腦使用了一段時間才發現磁碟空間不夠用嗎?如果是分割區太小,可以用此軟體將容量調大,加大系統分割區容量甚至不用重新開機!支援512Byte/1K/2K/4K磁區大小,可以抹除可用或未分割的硬碟空間、把主要磁區轉換為邏輯磁區(資料不會不見)、NTFS轉FAT32格式、表層測試、快速磁碟重組,具有獨特的電源關閉資料防護功能,確保運作當中斷電不會流失資料或導致操作失敗。(阿榮)(下載)(購買)
系統需求:Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)、Server以上付費版額外支援:Windows Server SBS, 2003/2008/2008R2/2012
關鍵字:mde, MDEFreePortable, Macrorit Partition Expert Free Edition, Macrorit Partition Expert Pro Edition, Macrorit Partition Expert Server Edition, Macrorit Partition Expert Enterprise Edition, Macrorit Partition Expert Unlimited Edition
As latest Free Partition Magic alternative, Macrorit Disk Partition Expert Free Edition is powerful free partition software allows you to extend partition (especially for system partition), settle low disk space problem, manage disk space easily on MBR and GUID partition table (GPT) disk. Besides the basic disk partitioning ability, it is also the only one free disk partition management software possesses advanced technology of power-off protection and data disaster recovery, this means you never worry about data loss any longer while executing the partition operations, you should just let your hair down and relax.
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